Saturday, June 11, 2011

It's a hard knock life for us.

I'm going to talk about the subject matter of this article[gasping in anger]. It's from a local magazine in Spokane, 'Fucking' Worshington. Hold on, I'm going to grab some more coffee before this shit....

Oh! Am I fucking pissed. I just shuddered in anger over how absolutely stupid these people are.

[Before I go on, I'm going to tell you(as seen on Dr. Phil yesterday afternoon): It's not being negative if it's reality.] I have to manually type this because my voice recognition software doesn't pick up all of my expletives.

"Establishment, Establishment, you always know what's best." - Stewie.

The woman leading this protest is whoring herself out there for a "Senior Project". What a crock of shit! LOL!!! And it's all for money! So I initially find it hard to find anything she has to say as being relevant, at all. That's not the only reason why. 

I also find it to be very... Well, basically, this chick, and these other morons aren't the same kind of people as you. You may crave their respect and commrodery but these are the same people who're going to slash YOUR budget as soon as their job calls for it. They're a completely different animal. You'd better realize that these are the exact same Hitler-Monsters that the show Undercover Boss looks to fire. THESE PEOPLE ARE THE ENEMY

She's doing this as a senior project, and rallied up all these students, and exclaimed she'd let it grow out of control - seeing as how there's no limit. "Well, man, it's about the Gov. not cutting all our.." All who's budget!? Mine? No. I could never afford to go to that school in the first place. Financial aid doesn't cover the entire tuition anyway. You mean, I'd have to get a job AND go to school!? OH, WEEE-UHT!

I've seen this shit going on, all over the news: 


Well, here's the thing. 

First off: We've got to make some cuts, somewhere. And what do they always say? "OH, WELL, DON'T CUT EDUCATION!" How about cutting some of those avant-garde art programs? Or how about the music programs? All it's doing is preparing those students for a fun & exciting career in the fast-food industry. Then, they'll all be having kids, which according to recent projections, costs, on average, around $12,000 per year. And if you don't think that's relative, you're smoking something. How many artists or musicians do you know that live above the poverty level? What, like 3? And they also have a day-job? 

Anyway, my gripe's not with that but with these people having a problem with "the cuts". It's going to be taken from somewhere. AND THESE ARE THE SAME PEOPLE, who, the other week when the whole collaborative union bargining bullshit was going on, were talking about budget cuts! So, they talk their shit, and they got what they wanted. And now they're not wanting to deal with the consequences... Because it happened to them. So, I guess school CAN teach you one thing. And it's the reality of it. I don't care about a bunch of rich kids(Oh, and they are. They just conceal it well.) bitching about tuition when I know people who can't even afford a community college. DOES ANYBODY SEE THIS???????

Furthermore, the reason everybody is going to college now is because they're not working. COLLEGE is their fallback plan. And the real truth to this all:

Sometimes college isn't the best solution.

If you're paying for school yourself or getting student loans, you should have a job. If you have outstanding student loans, you need to get those paid down. You should not get into college if you don't have a job. Absurd right? Wrong.

The amount of debt that someone accrues during their finishing of a degree is about the same they would make working as a waiter at a restaurant. Why does that matter? Because, say somebody went to school for their Bachlor's Degree. They entered the workforce for a year. And, during that year, found they weren't able to obtain the position that they intended to, so they settled for a job waiting tables. Then they decide to go back to school to get their Master's. And what's that going to cost for the degree alone, just for the additional time to get their Master's Degree? $120,000? And it's going to take what, three years to obtain it? Now in that three years they could have significantly reduced their debt-to-income ratio by paying down their student loans by making a substantial contribution to that - earning $20,000 per year, as a waiter. 

Instead they went back to school, without a job, and accrued an even higher amount of debt, only to find themselves unable to secure a position for what they had initially intended. Now the only thing that they can do is take that job as a waiter and pay down that student loan debt as much as possible. Would you like to know why? 

It's because student loans are the most important debt that you have. It's above any and all credit card debts, car payments, etc. The reason is, because they will get that money. They will take it out of your Social Security. They can garnish your checks, and they can take your house - and they will. So these loan companies are more than happy to do a payment deferment, because they WILL get their money. And they'll get interest in the meantime.

The summary is: Some people can't afford to go to college. And if they can't, they shouldn't.

So get a job you 30 year old @#%&*! babies! Contribute to something, other than yourself, for once. Oh, I'm sorry. I forget, the world revolves around you Sir(or Ma'am).

Other than that, the article was good - except the thing about legalizing drugs to save education. Absurdity at it's finest. Just because it's "cannabis" also known as pot, herb, slurbs, weed, etc., doesn't mean it should be legal. It's a drug. You smoke a bunch of weed, and drive around on the highways - see what happens to you. They're gonna use you for fertilizer to grow "herbs". And these dispenseries!? Wow, legal Marijuana huh? Do they have pharmacudical distribution licenses? My brother had to go to school for a couple years to be able to dispense medicine through a pharmacy. Why on EARTH wouldn't this be a controlled substance, such as the handling of narcotics? What the fuck gives anybody the right to have it "free-ranged"?

1 comment:

  1. Ehh.. maybe I talk too much shit. Maybe she's just trying to help other people out, and look out for their best interest. I keep thinking that, every time I see that Sad Panda Face. :(


    Hahaha PISS OFF!!!
