Friday, September 24, 2010

Should you have to pass a drug test to receive Welfare?

Should you have to pass a drug test to receive Welfare?

You know what? I don't like this one actually because welfare affects and helps more than just the person who may be using drugs. 

Someone responded with: "No its more like if u have to get drug tested when ur workin your ass off. Then so should the people sittin their lazy ass home collecting welfare who are THE ONES probably spending the governments money on drugs rather than what is is meant for...(this is not in the case of everyone tho)" 

If that's not the case for everyone then wouldn't this be pointless? Would it matter if the money went towards gummy bears vs. drugs? Public "misuse" of funds will always exist. 

We should just become a communist regime and distribute jobs, and funds accordingly. Then we wouldn't have this problem. ;) Lol

And what I mean by that is perhaps they should have a welfare reform? Assign housing, food(Wic checks for example), transportation, etc. Then there will be no room for public misuse of government distributed funds. Only problem is: What if you have a problem with something? I'm just saying something like this isn't so black and white. It opens a Pandora's box and a plethora of problems/options. My concern is about their children. How safe can they already be if they are in an unsafe environment and we strip public funds from their parents/guardians? Thailand for example. Or any country that doesn't have a welfare option. What happens with those children? I'm just sayin'.

And I'm just curious as to who's paying for these drug tests? There's around 50 MILLION Americans on some form of state assistance as of 2009[according to the internet]. Administering drug tests would have to be done many times over the course of someone's benefits. Also, even your basic 4-panel dip tests do not detect all drugs. So are we going to single out users of meth, marijuana, opiates, etc. and ignore use of synthetic such as Methadone, or Darvocet? Barbiturates? The 10-panel tests are more expensive and still do not test for all substances. The only responsible course of action would be to use lab tests. So actually, that's a great idea because it can create more American jobs we can tax to pay for this whole process! Only problem I foresee is: Are we going to include alcohol in this too? It's legal but can be abused. Should we incorporate acceptable amounts of use? And what if they fail a drug test? Is there a certain amount of time they have to wait before reapplying? 6 month period perhaps? Over the course of which they are ordered to complete a government funded chemical dependency course? What if it was an isolated incident and they don't meet the WA. State criteria for being chemically dependent? Then do they get their check or what? Has anybody reading this ever sparked up a joint at a party before? Or at some point in their life consumed one alcoholic beverage?

And let me be very clear. I'm not trying to single out any one person's beliefs. And I respect the opinion of others. If you were to take custody from them or cut their funding then who is going to pay for their needs or their children's? Where do they turn for money? Family, friends, etc. Foster care and adoption is a lengthy process. You thought the housing market collapse was bad? A single thing like this that sounds good on paper could have devastating effects and cause an economic collapse. Is everybody ready to take on the responsibility of the needs of these people?

Here's a quote from my friend Mikey:
"drug tests for welfare? What!? what are we supposed do with our money.... buy shoes?"

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